Add some fun to your long drive and get to know each other better. To help keep you entertained while driving with your partner, here are some couples road trip games that are sure to liven things up. Ranging from classic games to new activities that you’ll love trying out, there is something for every type of person and their interests. Before you know it, you will have reached your destination.
If you’re a mathlete at heart, try out The Counting Game as one of the couples’ road trip games

Math wizards are sure to enjoy testing their skills by playing The Counting Game. The concept of this game is simple, as the main goal is to see how high you can collectively count, without going in a particular order. This game can be played with any number of participants, making it a great choice for both couples and groups. The Counting Game tends to fly by, making it ideal for road trips that can be completed in a day.
How to play
To begin, first decide on a number to have as your goal, such as 20 or 100. Then, randomly select whether it will be you or your partner that will start. Whoever goes first will begin by saying the number one. The next player will then follow by providing a random new number. The player that began has five seconds to add these numbers together before providing a new number for the other player to calculate. The person that provides the number that brings you to the goal you initially set wins.
Test your celebrity knowledge with The Name Game

The Name Game is a great way to show off your knowledge of celebs. Plus, you may even learn some fun facts while you’re playing and get to know your partner’s interests in the meantime. This game can be played on longer road trips because it can last for a while.
How to play
The rules of The Name Game are simple, so you and your partner are sure to catch on quickly. Whoever is beginning the game will start by saying the name of someone famous. It’s up to you to decide on rules for what types of people this can be, and you may end up having some lively discussions on what exactly constitutes being a famous person. The next person will then say the name of someone famous whose first name starts with the letter of the previous last name e.g. Player 1 “Bruno Mars”, Player 2 “Michelle Obama”, Player 1 “Obi-Wan Kanobi”, Player 2 “Keira Knightley” etc. The game keeps going until a player either runs out of names to list or you have decided to move on to your next road trip game.
Spice up the classic license plate game with Riff Off

Most of us are familiar with variations of the famous license plate game, whether it be looking for a license plate from each of the 27 counties, or finding the most interesting, personalised vanity plates on the road. Riff Off is a fun spin on these more traditional activities and requires you to avoid looking for personalised vanity plates altogether. This game can last for however long you would like it to, making it a great choice for both short and long road trips.
How to play
To play Riff Off, find a license plate that does not spell out a word but instead has random letters. Then, the goal is to take these random letters and see how many different words you can spell with them. The rules are as easy as that. Whichever player is able to make the most words wins.
Create a fun story with Mad Libs

There’s a reason that Mad Libs has managed to remain such a popular activity throughout generations—it’s fun and easy to do. It’s also a particularly convenient couples road trip game, as the passenger can focus on reading the story and writing down words, while the driver can provide responses while keeping their eyes on the road.
How to play
There are a few different apps that you can download for free to do Mad Libs, or you can always go the classic route and buy one of the books that are typically sold in grocery stores. For this activity, all you have to do is select a story to fill out and begin asking your partner for whatever specific types of words are needed. Your partner can blurt out any words that immediately come to mind and you both can enjoy the story once you have finished writing it.
Get creative by playing Word Association

Word Association is a quick and fast-paced game that’s easy for everyone to play. It’s a great way to get creative while also learning more about your sense of logic. It’s just like its name sounds and involves players listing off different words that they associate together.
How to play
Whoever starts will begin by listing any random word of their choice. The next player will then list a word that they associate with the word that was previously listed e.g. “Chocolate” “Eggs” “Chicken” “Dance” “Wedding” etc. This pattern continues until someone either cannot think of a word or says a word that is considered to be “too far out.” One of the most fun parts of this game is engaging in debates regarding whether two words are actually associated, as well as the logic behind these decisions. This game can last quite a while, making it fun for longer road trips.
Don’t forget about the beloved Alphabet Game

Perhaps the most classic road trip game around is the iconic Alphabet Game. As it’s fun, easy to follow, and can be played pretty much by everyone, it’s a great go-to when you’re on the road and trying to stay entertained. Plus, it may even help you see more of your surroundings and notice things that you may have otherwise passed you by.
How to play
The rules of the Alphabet Game are straightforward. The goal is to identify something in your surroundings for every letter of the alphabet. This can be literally anything, ranging from billboards to car models, or even animals on the side of the road. If you want to make it more of a game, you can switch off between yourself and your partner and take turns identifying things for each letter.
Get ready to laugh with Explain a Movie Badly

While this game isn’t just for road trips, it’s a fun way to make the time pass quickly as you’ll be laughing so hard. It’s the perfect mixture of pop culture, creativity and humor, so it really has something for everyone.
How to play
To play, you and your partner will take turns poorly describing a popular or famous movie. The goal is for your description to be factual while avoiding giving a stereotypical synopsis. Your partner will then try to guess which movie you are describing and will receive a point if they are successful.