Travel Experiences
Guess the city from the emoji
To celebrate World Emoji Day you can now use emojis to search for flights on our site. Pretty cool...
1 min read
Travel Experiences
14 Snapchats every traveller has taken at least once
Snapchat has fast become a social media favourite, especially among travellers. What better way to give the folks back...
5 min read
Travel Experiences
Things to do in Dubai on an 8-hour stopover
Ultra-modern Dubai is an increasingly popular destination, not just for business travellers but also for travellers on leisurely stopovers...
5 min read
Travel Experiences
14 things everyone does immediately after stepping foot into their hotel room
So you’ve finally got checked in and found your room. The thought of opening that hotel door has been...
4 min read
Travel Experiences
Broaden Out Their Horizons: The World’s Greatest
Broaden Out Their Horizons is a small, grassroots charity that works with schools in London and South Africa to...
3 min read
Travel Experiences
5 of the craziest nude festivals in the world
It’s not a festival until you take off all your clothes, right? If you’re attending one of these crazy...
3 min read