From check-in to touch-down, the process of flying can be a rollercoaster of emotions. The view from up high is so worth the angst we endure to get there but why do we get so worked up over airport processes? We know them well, they can’t be avoided and yet they get to us time and time again. Well, next time you get yourself in a fluster, these cat images will offer a bit of light relief, of should we say ‘flight relief’.

Arriving at the airport

You made it to the airport and you queue to check-in…

…when someone jumps the queue ahead of you…

…nearly there. WAIT, you can’t find your passport…

…Panic over, it’s in your pocket. You’re checked-in, with loads of spare time (*feeling smug*), to the bar?!

You’re one step closer to your destination. It’s all running smoothly…

…but then they announce your flight is delayed.

Just your luck, you think; ‘this always happens, am I a curse?!’

On the plane

Finally on the plane, and you get a window seat. It’s looking good…

Jinxed it. A family with noisy kids take the row behind… ‘WHERE are my headphones?’

All is not lost, the food trolley’s on its way… that smell! You’re suddenly starving, but there’s at least another 50 seats to go

Stephano Mortellaro, curious roy via Flickr CC BY 2.0

Now you need to go to the bathroom. You get stuck between two food trolleys and cause havoc trying to pass… everyone’s looking…

Laura, cloud on the patio via Flickr CC BY 2.0

…as ever, when you make it to the door there’s someone in there. You cross your legs and try to think about something else…

You make it back to your seat just as the trolley arrives… the menu looks tasty – tuna pasta bake, YES! Life’s good again…

…with a full belly, it’s time for some cat nap 🙂 Yes, you’re really trying to make the most out of your economy seat.

Tripp, big fat cat via Flickr CC BY 2.0

…you can’t sleep. It’s all those kids. Maybe a shot of whisky will help…

…or four…

…You over did it and now you’re feeling hideous…

…sleep it off…

…’Cabin crew, please prepare for landing’… You made it. Quick! Is your hand luggage to hand? Better get in the isle before the people behind push in front… Who will make it the baggage reclaim first? Game on.

t.ohashi, R0012519 via Flickr CC BY 2.0